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The Factory: Twins Bros

TwinsBros Surfboards is a full-service surfboard manufacturer based in Livorno, Tuscany (Italy) with over 30 years of board shaping experience. They specialize in building high quality, high performance surfboards for every surfer, every style and every type of wave. The team consists of a group of experienced professionals with a keen eye for aesthetics and quality craftsmanship in all products. The production of all kinds of custom river boards is therefore no problem for the Twins Bros expertise.

Twins Bros Philosophy

Building boards has always been Renato and Paolo's greatest passion and their philosophy has not changed over the years. Their main goal has always been to make every surfer happy by offering high quality boards, customizable in every single element (shape, construction, graphics, etc.) and entirely made in Italy with particular attention to sustainability and environmental protection become. "We like to listen and translate the impressions and feelings of our riders and all surfers of all levels who use our boards around the world."

30+ years of experience

Thanks to the know-how of TwinsBros shapers, who have been experimenting with shapes and creating boards since 1991, and the precision of CNC technology, today you are able to develop and exactly replicate models for all wave types, with the possibility of all basic Parameters that characterize the shape of a board and make it unique and perfect can be changed with millimeter precision. Guaranteeing the end customer a unique product with precisely defined services is the absolute priority for TwinsBros.


The performance of a surfboard with a good shape depends very much on the materials used. Boards with the same shape made from different materials perform differently. Through continuous research and development processes, Twinsbros has always made it important to use materials of the highest quality. For this reason, over the years they have built very strong partnerships with their suppliers and have become official dealers for Italy for X-Tra foam blanks, Scarfini fins, resin and fiberglass that they use.


Als leidenschaftliche Surfer, die das Meer und den Planeten Erde lieben, versucht Twinsbros diese für die, die nach uns kommen werden so zu erhalten und zu hinterlassen, wie man sie vorgefunden hat. Sie arbeiten hart daran, dass die Produktion der Surfbretter auf verantwortungsvolle Weise erfolgt, indem sie maximalen Respekt und Schutz für die Umwelt sowie die Gesundheit und Sicherheit ihres Produktionsteams garantieren. Die Fabrik verfügt über eine hochmoderne und leistungsstarke Absauganlage, die bei der Produktion entstehende Schadstoffe aus der Luft filtert. Das Team achtet zudem auf eine einwandfreie Trennung von Abfallstoffen, die regelmäßig fachgerecht entsorgt werden. In Sachen Umweltbewusstsein gilt die Twinsbros Factory als Vorreiter in der Branche.